Saturday, July 28, 2012

Madonna - Beautiful Killer feat. Alain Delon

Dear Madonna , no pasarán, ok! Is it just me or is Madonna a better singer than a politician!? 
  Madonna - Speech à propos de Marine Le Pen (Olympia, Paris)
 Madonna booed after 45min gig and called a slut at Paris concert..

“To listen to her monologue, you’d think we were at a speech by Miss France running for president,” Julien Chadeyron added. “We’re not here to hear you talk, honey. If you wouldn’t mind singing, that would suit us fine!”

A écouter son monologue, on se croirait à un discours d’une Miss France qui se présenterait à la présidentielle. On n'est pas là pour t’entendre parler ma grande, si tu voulais bien chanter ça nous arrangerait !

Thursday, July 26, 2012

"Sports are the new rock 'n' roll"


Patsy Stone : I am concentrating !