Thursday, February 13, 2014

16 Ways to De-stress Expert Advice:

16 Ways to De-stress Expert Advice:

Hypnotize yourself

"Show up differently"


50 years ago, Marshall McLuhan famously said, “The medium is the message.” Half a century later, it may be time to shake things up a bit.

Kierkegaard on the Internet: Anonymity vrs. Commitment in the Present Age

Hubert L. Dreyfus
unconditional commitment ....

The Age we live in ..
'All Things Shining': Finding Meaning in a Secular Age

Philosophy professor Hubert Dreyfus's classes on existentialism and phenomenology were long among the most popular classes at UC Berkeley. One of those classes formed the basis of Dreyfus's new book "All Things Shining," co-authored with Harvard philosophy professor Sean Kelly. The authors join us to discuss the book, which deals with moments of meaning and transcendence in great works of Western literature.
Host: Michael Krasny

Robert Schumann, Piano Concerto, Op. 54 - Allegro affettuoso (1)
- Arthur Rubinstein

Thursday, January 30, 2014

- Backyard Oasis: The Swimming Pool in Southern California Photography, 1945-1982 at the Palm Springs Art Museum, on view through May 27, 2012, examines swimming pools in photographs from 1945 to 1982, exploring the SoCal ideals--Eden-like landscapes, healthy bodies, the mecca of entertainment, and a constant look toward the future. Crossing the boundaries of popular and high culture, commercial merchandising, journalistic reporting, and vernacular memorabilia, photography conveyed the developing ideologies of the period. .....

see more at

- Usefull tips for pricing your art read here ... .

- A user's guide to artspeak from the guardian , IAE - International Art English

- Banoffee = banana + toffee , very popular english dessert potrmanteau (linguistic blend)

- A portmanteau is a combination of two words into one new word ... lunch +breakfast , brunch /
smoke + fog , smog / Portmanteau generator : you can enter up to five words

- Vitamin guide by goop

- Each paper comes across like a perfect ‘Coke’, served at the perfect temperature: I can feel the sugar boost after each sip but feel thirsty immediately afterwards. This experience resembles the one that Slavoj Zizek describes in a scene of a Pervert’s Guide to Ideology. In the scene he walks alone in a deserted landscape with a bottle of Coke in his hand, a metaphor he uses to illustrate the “passage from sublime to excremental: when it (Coke) is cold, properly served, it has a certain attraction…and all of a sudden, it can change into shit. It is the elementary dialectic of commodity.”

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A beautiful scene from the movie Microcosmos.
Music of this piece is called: L`Amour Des Escargots, by composer Bruno Coulais and it was created for this movie.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Madonna - Beautiful Killer feat. Alain Delon

Dear Madonna , no pasarán, ok! Is it just me or is Madonna a better singer than a politician!? 
  Madonna - Speech à propos de Marine Le Pen (Olympia, Paris)
 Madonna booed after 45min gig and called a slut at Paris concert..

“To listen to her monologue, you’d think we were at a speech by Miss France running for president,” Julien Chadeyron added. “We’re not here to hear you talk, honey. If you wouldn’t mind singing, that would suit us fine!”

A écouter son monologue, on se croirait à un discours d’une Miss France qui se présenterait à la présidentielle. On n'est pas là pour t’entendre parler ma grande, si tu voulais bien chanter ça nous arrangerait !