Thursday, January 30, 2014

- Backyard Oasis: The Swimming Pool in Southern California Photography, 1945-1982 at the Palm Springs Art Museum, on view through May 27, 2012, examines swimming pools in photographs from 1945 to 1982, exploring the SoCal ideals--Eden-like landscapes, healthy bodies, the mecca of entertainment, and a constant look toward the future. Crossing the boundaries of popular and high culture, commercial merchandising, journalistic reporting, and vernacular memorabilia, photography conveyed the developing ideologies of the period. .....

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- Usefull tips for pricing your art read here ... .

- A user's guide to artspeak from the guardian , IAE - International Art English

- Banoffee = banana + toffee , very popular english dessert potrmanteau (linguistic blend)

- A portmanteau is a combination of two words into one new word ... lunch +breakfast , brunch /
smoke + fog , smog / Portmanteau generator : you can enter up to five words

- Vitamin guide by goop

- Each paper comes across like a perfect ‘Coke’, served at the perfect temperature: I can feel the sugar boost after each sip but feel thirsty immediately afterwards. This experience resembles the one that Slavoj Zizek describes in a scene of a Pervert’s Guide to Ideology. In the scene he walks alone in a deserted landscape with a bottle of Coke in his hand, a metaphor he uses to illustrate the “passage from sublime to excremental: when it (Coke) is cold, properly served, it has a certain attraction…and all of a sudden, it can change into shit. It is the elementary dialectic of commodity.”